From the course: Data Science Foundations: Fundamentals

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- [instructor] Data science can give you a lot of knowledge, and by extension a lot of power, but as anyone who has seen Spider man knows, with great power comes great responsibility, and the same thing applies in data science. Now, earlier on in the tech world and including data science, there was this little line from Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, "Move fast and break things." And people did amazing things in data science, they're grabbing data from all over the place and they're putting in their algorithms and they're making these amazing predictions. On the other hand, that wild west phase, well, it was exciting, brought up some very serious issues for instance, about privacy, about copyright, about how to treat people. And so current data science is a lot more instead of moving fast and breaking things as just a moment, let's do this a little more deliberately. Now, in terms of laws and regulations, when you're working…
