From the course: Data Science Foundations: Fundamentals

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In-house data

In-house data

- [Presenter] Data science projects can feel like massive, overwhelming undertakings, like epic expeditions. But sometimes you can get started right here, right now; that is, your organization may already have the data that you need. And it may be, for instance, the fastest way to start, because it's already in the format that you need. Also, restrictions may not apply, a lot of the things about, like GDPR and FERPA and privacy regulations. Well, if the data's being used exclusively within the organization that gathered it for their own purposes, maybe some of those regulations don't apply, which means you have a little more flexibility in what you're able to do. Also, maybe you can talk with your creators. Maybe the people who gathered the data in the first place are still there and you can get some of the details you need about the process. And so between getting up and running right away, maybe having a little…
