From the course: Data Management with Apache NiFi

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Apache NiFi core concepts

Apache NiFi core concepts

- [Instructor] Before we move on to building NiFi dataflows, let's understand the core concepts of Apache NiFi. In NiFi, every dataflow is represented as a directed graph. This dataflow can be thought of as a processing pipeline that takes data from the source and moves it to the destination performing transforms along the way. Apache NiFi is responsible for automating the flow of data from the source all the way through to the destination. Apache NiFi is based on flow-based programming and there are specific terms used for different components of the flow. The first is the FlowFile. The FlowFile is just a piece of data moving through all of the systems that you've set up and being processed along the way. Every FlowFile has attributes and associated content. A FlowFile is just an information packet. The attributes of a FlowFile are represented in terms of key-value pairs and the content can be zero or more bytes. FlowFile…
