From the course: Data-Driven Sales Enablement

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Leading and lagging indicators

Leading and lagging indicators

- Let's do a deeper dive in how to use leading and lagging indicators to improve enablement and make smarter decisions. Understanding these is key to creating specific and actionable enablement. So let's break it down and make it simple. Think of leading indicators as a peak into the future of your sales performance. These are all about the actions and behaviors that determine what might happen next. For instance, tracking the number of new leads or how many executive stakeholders from the customer side are getting involved in deals, are pretty strong predictors of future sales success. Why should you care about these? Well, they're very actionable. They're like the satnav in your car telling you if you need to take a different path to avoid trouble. For example, if you notice fewer senior stakeholders are getting involved in deals, it might mean that your sales could dip soon. Here's how you can make the most of leading indicators. Number one, track them. Use your CRM or customer…
