From the course: Data-Driven Sales Enablement
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Introducing data-driven enablement
From the course: Data-Driven Sales Enablement
Introducing data-driven enablement
- Getting data-driven is a game changer for boosting sales and making performance more consistent across your team. So let's figure out what we mean by the term. Data-driven enablement means using data to make your sales or revenue team perform better. Instead of responding to emergencies, opinions and gut feel, you use clear signs and information to guide your strategies, and you build a professional and consultative relationship with sales leaders along the way. It's important to understand the concept of indicators when you're looking to use data. Indicators are measurable changes that tell you that something is going on. Think of it like a pulse. Your heartbeat is an indicator of things like physical exercise, health, mood, et cetera. There are three categories of indicators that matter. The first is influencing indicators. These are the things that you can change or adjust to impact future results. Think of them as the dials that you can turn or levers that you can pull to tweak…
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