From the course: Data-Driven Sales Enablement
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Identifying performance bottlenecks
From the course: Data-Driven Sales Enablement
Identifying performance bottlenecks
- Let's dive into how we can spot and fix the performance bottlenecks in your sales process. These bottlenecks can badly limit growth, productivity, and profitability. Imagine your ideal sales funnel looking like a capital T. It starts wide at the top with lots of potential customers and narrows down through quick and strict qualification into an efficient pipeline of closeable deals. In this ideal world, salespeople pick the deals that they can win and win the deals that they pick, but let's be real, most sales funnels aren't like this. They're more like a V with wastage and inefficiency throughout the process, but that's why you are here. Let's look at some easy ways you can identify performance bottlenecks. To get started, you need to take a good look at each step of your sales process. If you're using a CRM system or any business intelligence tool, it's going to be super helpful here. To get you started, keep an eye on these common points where you'll often find bottlenecks. The…
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