From the course: Data-Driven Decision-Making for Business Professionals
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Translating data conclusions for business decisions
From the course: Data-Driven Decision-Making for Business Professionals
Translating data conclusions for business decisions
- All this hard work and we're finally getting somewhere. You've analyzed data, see conclusions, and so now it's all about the action. What do you think you should do now that you know what's actually going on? It's time to craft our action statement. Again, a simple template here to use. As our goal is to, we should do. The goal and the action. Let me show you this. Like everything, start with the goal and keep it simple. As our goal is to increase revenue we should, or in order to maximize profits, we should. Simple but clearly stated. If you're going to recommend any action, no matter what you do, restate the goal right up front. Be clear on what your purpose is so that your data stays aligned. This just means no one can misuse your data or your conclusions. You're helping others know from what perspective you came at this decision from. Then, jump right into the action. Keep it simple. Now here's where…
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