From the course: Data-Driven Decision-Making for Business Professionals

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The importance of using visuals to share data

The importance of using visuals to share data

- The old saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. But when you're doing data, no statement can be more powerful to help you get your message across. But before you start diving into charts and graphs and data points, don't forget, data can be overwhelming. So the last thing we want to do is overwhelm those we share our data with. Presenting data and visual formats for decision-making is all about clarity. You're providing clarity on situations, and this clarity then needs to be focused. You should have a very specific and targeted focus to what you are presenting. So bring the summary, bring what's important. And most importantly, bring what's relevant to the decision. And that leads us to the biggest goal of visually presenting data conclusions. You need your visuals to drive the action. Use them to drive the decision, and the way you drive action is through the connection the audience makes with your topic.…
