From the course: Data Analytics for Students

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Data source map

Data source map

- [Instructor] Using data to solve your business problem starts with collecting data. But what kind of data should you collect? There's so many different data points coming from different places. This can get pretty complicated in no time at all. A few years back, I created this data map to help my consulting clients digest the bigger picture of how data flows both in and outside of their organization. This map groups your data into distinct buckets so you can think through the data that is most important to solving your business problem. First, let's talk about sales data. The simple goal here is that you want to grow or maintain your sales. By studying sales data, we can uncover insightful trends that will help grow your business. The key here is to not only track your sales in dollar amount but also think through the most insightful dimensions of your sales data. Understanding when and where your sales are coming from…
