From the course: Cybersecurity for Executives
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Germ theory
From the course: Cybersecurity for Executives
Germ theory
- I've noticed people sometimes struggle to take cyber risk seriously. I think that's because we can't easily see, nor touch, their digital assets or the risks to them. But, there is something else we can't see that's very risky to us, and we take very seriously, germs. In fact, the idea of germs is really very new to humans. It's only been about 200 years since we started believing that something so small and invisible makes us sick. In response, we've adopted some regular habits of good hygiene. To protect ourselves from germs, we wash our hands, go to the dentist twice a year for a checkup, and get our annual flu shot, and other vaccines. We even do things to protect other people from our germs, like covering our mouths when coughing, wearing a mask indoors, and wearing gloves when making food. It's stunning to me that cyber risks so often approach us invisibly, and strike without warning, like germs do. So let's…