From the course: Cybersecurity for Executives

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Deep fakes

Deep fakes

- Deep fakes are getting more convincing every day. They can now mimic voices and video with scary accuracy. Cyber attackers are using this tech to trick people and steal money. Let's take a brief look at a real case and learn how to protect ourselves. In early 2024, the British engineering firm Arup lost $25 million through its Hong Kong office. Arup is the company behind world famous buildings, such as the Sydney Opera House. Here's how it happened. Scammers used AI to fake video and audio of the company's CFO, along with a few other employees. They set up a Zoom call with an accounts payable specialist. The fake CFO ordered in an urgent and secret money transfer. The accounts payable specialist fooled by the lifelike Zoom call, approved the transfer. The specialist had initially suspected he had received a phishing email after all the email requested that normal security checks were to be bypassed due to the emergency. However, the specialist put aside his doubts after the video…
