From the course: Cybersecurity Awareness: Protect Your Privacy

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All the ways your personal information is used against you

All the ways your personal information is used against you

From the course: Cybersecurity Awareness: Protect Your Privacy

All the ways your personal information is used against you

- [Lecturer] In this video, we are going to talk about the ways that the personal information that is so easy to find, can be used against you by bad actors. The first way is through hacking. We've all heard about hacking, but what this actually is is when somebody who is not supposed to have access to your account or your device, is able to access it, that's what hacking is. Your information can be used to help bad actors hack your accounts, like your email account, your bank account, social media, your phone, and when they are able to do so, they can wreak havoc in your life. There are lots of different methods that support hacking, like spearfishing, sim swapping, username and password combinations that they find on the dark web, social engineering. What we know is that the more information that a hacker can find out about you, the easier it is for them to target you and to hack into your accounts. Hacking can also lead to other outcomes like ransomware, which is when a bad actor…
