From the course: Cybersecurity Awareness: Phishing Attacks (2022)

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Money is the motive: The reason behind phishing

Money is the motive: The reason behind phishing

From the course: Cybersecurity Awareness: Phishing Attacks (2022)

Money is the motive: The reason behind phishing

- [Instructor] So now we know what phishing is, but we don't necessarily know why phishing is. Why do people phish? Before we can explore that, I have to make a distinction here. There are two major camps of phishers. The well-intentioned phisher and the cybercriminal. A well-intentioned phisher isn't phishing for personal gain. They tend to be interested in education and improving security hygiene. Think of your friendly neighborhood security professional. While the delivery may be the same, the intention is different, which means the end result is different. A cybercriminal uses phishing for personal benefit. They tend to be interested in financial gain or privileged information. They're who we would refer to as the bad guys. When you hear about cyberattacks and breaches, you often hear the amount of money that cybercriminals were successful in acquiring after a breach. Some business email compromise scams have…
