From the course: Cybersecurity Awareness: Malware
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From the course: Cybersecurity Awareness: Malware
- Imagine a world where you get a dollar from a digital bank for every math problem you solve. These math problems are a way for the bank to make sure that all of its transactions are accurate. They aren't simple math problems though, and they require multiple computer brains to solve. Because they're so complex, you get rewarded for solving them, with money. This is a very high-level explanation of crypto mining. The reward someone gets is cryptocurrency. What if a person wants to mine for cryptocurrencies but doesn't have access to a lot of computer brains? The short answer is they take the access. Cryptojacking is the unauthorized use of a person's machine to mine cryptocurrencies. Typically, the owner of the compromised computer is unaware that their machine is being used for mining. The only evidence would be the computer running slower or, if your machine is stored in the cloud, higher-than-Normal cloud computing bills. If you want to know more about securing cryptocurrencies…
What is malware?1m 26s
The malware origin story3m 56s
Viruses, trojans, and worms, oh my!2m 22s
Ransomware, bots, and wiper malware3m 9s
Rootkits, keyloggers, and malvertising1m 42s
Fileless malware and mobile malware2m 40s
Cryptojacking1m 39s