From the course: Cultivating Cultural Competence and Inclusion

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Moving toward cultural competence

Moving toward cultural competence

- Moving toward cultural competence must happen at every level, from organizational to individual practices. In the last scenario, Jamie and Suna were interviewing Amy for a position at their company. They expressed concern about her lack of eye contact during the interview and her persistent use of the term we. They perceived Amy's seeming inability to share about her personal contributions as a possible performance issue. Jamie and Suna both had their own assumptions about Amy's behaviors based on their own cultural patterns. Let's watch a revised scenario. Look at the ways in which Jamie demonstrates better cultural curiosity and flexibility. - So Jamie, what were your thoughts on Amy? - Overall, I was impressed with her background. The one thing I guess that stood out to me was her eye contact throughout. At first, I started to judge it as her being nervous or lacking confidence. But then I considered whether or not…
