From the course: Cultivating a Growth Mindset

Explore your growth versus fixed mindset moments

From the course: Cultivating a Growth Mindset

Explore your growth versus fixed mindset moments

- Let's explore the realms of our mindsets. Specifically, let's look at growth versus fixed mindset moments in our lives. Now, this isn't just about learning terms, it's about recognizing patterns in our thoughts and behaviors that shape our experiences and future. First, let's lay the groundwork. A fixed mindset, a term popularized by Dr. Carol Dweck in her groundbreaking book, :Mindset: The New Psychology of Success", refers to the belief that our abilities, intelligence, and talents of fixed traits. In this mindset, we often think, "This is just who I am and there's not much I can do about it." Conversely, a growth mindset is the belief that our abilities, skills, and talents can be developed with effort, learning, and persistence. Now, let's explore some real life moments. Picture this, you are faced with a challenging task at work or school. If you lean towards a fixed mindset, you might think, "I'm not good at this, so I'll never be able to do it well." This thought could lead you to avoid the challenge altogether. In contrast with a growth mindset, you'd likely think, "This is tough, but with some efforts and learning, I can improve." This attitude propels you to embrace challenges and see them as opportunities to grow, even if the process might sometimes be uncomfortable. Another scenario, receiving feedback. In a fixed mindset, feedback, especially if it's critical, can feel like a personal attack. You might think, "They're saying, I'm not good enough." However, with a growth mindset, feedback is a valuable source of information. It's seen as, "This is helping me to learn and improve." Observing our mindset in how we view others' successes is also interesting. With a fixed mindset, you might feel threatened or jealous thinking, "They're naturally talented, I could never do that." In contrast, a growth mindset leads to inspiration and learning from others 'successes, thinking, "What can I learn from them to improve myself?" Recognizing these moments in our lives isn't always easy, but it's incredibly powerful. It's about self-awareness and choosing how we respond to life's challenges and opportunities. Remember not about being perfect at having a growth mindset. We all have fixed mindset moments. What's important is recognizing them and gently guiding ourselves towards a growth-orientated approach. So how do we change a fixed mindset? Start small. Take a moment every day to reflect on one fixed mindset moment you experienced. If you experience a challenge, remind yourself that efforts and learning can lead to improvement. If you make a mistake, think of it as a learning opportunity and over the long term, seek feedback actively and view it as a tool for growth. Surround yourself with people who support your growth and are shining examples of a growth mindset. Exploring our growth versus fixed mindset moments is a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. By recognizing and adjusting our mindset, we open ourselves to a world of possibilities, learning and personal development. It's not just about changing our thoughts, it's about changing our lives for the better.
