From the course: Cucumber Essential Training
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SpecFlow: Running tests
From the course: Cucumber Essential Training
SpecFlow: Running tests
- [Narrator] So, now that we have our feature as well as our steps defined, how about we build our solution? You will notice that you get an error that talks about a custom tool property not being present. So, this is the error message. The right way to fix this is to go back to Solutions Explorer, click on the Feature file, select Properties, and go to this Custom Tool attribute, and just blank this value out. Click Save, and let's go back to Solution Explorer and rebuild; and that error is gone. No errors. We are almost done, but we need to take one additional step for our test cases to start showing in our Test Explorer. If you see right now, it's just showing us the Unit Test which is this Unit Test file that automatically gets created with the project. So let's go ahead and make an additional change. This time, what I'm going to do is, I have to change this project's property. So, I have to unload the project first. Edit this file, and go all the way to the bottom of this file…
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