From the course: CSS: Selectors
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Reading and writing selectors - CSS Tutorial
From the course: CSS: Selectors
Reading and writing selectors
- [Instructor] Several times in this chapter, I have mentioned writing selectors from left to right but reading them from right to left. What on earth am I talking about? When reading and understanding a selector, especially a complex selector with several components start at the last item in the selector and expand from there. For example in this selector we start with a, then we're going to move to p, and finally we'll go to the class of warning. So in other words this selects any a element, descended from a p element, that is a child of any element with a class of warning. However, when we write selectors we're going to start at the outside, getting more and more specific as we move inwards. Being able to read selectors is the first step in understanding them well. For example, consider these two selectors which are commonly confused. Note that the first selector has no space, while the second selector does have a space in the middle. If you practice reading these from right to…
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