From the course: Cryptocurrency Foundations
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The challenges ahead for cryptocurrency
From the course: Cryptocurrency Foundations
The challenges ahead for cryptocurrency
- Remarkably, today, almost anyone with an internet connection can create a bona fide digital currency. It speaks volumes to the power of the global digital revolution that is underway. With a credible crypto offering, there's significant revenue to be made. And some solutions have the power to introduce game-changing innovation. These reasons alone are providing motivation and enthusiasm for a high number of entrepreneurs to enter the crypto marketplace. While creating a cryptocurrency may be relatively quick and easy, maintaining one that has a chance to succeed is a much harder proposition. It is a long-term commitment. And beyond the technical requirements, it will require the fostering of a community. That certainly won't be easy with thousands of cryptos vying for attention. An important question to ask is what is the purpose of this new cryptocurrency. Does it offer some novel capability, like Ripple…