From the course: Cryptocurrency Foundations
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How countries are responding to crypto
From the course: Cryptocurrency Foundations
How countries are responding to crypto
- The nature of cryptocurrency built on decentralized blockchain architecture and without the need for any intermediaries or institutional oversight means there are no technical barriers to global deployments in use. Assuming there's internet access, cryptos can function. Building and rolling out Bitcoin, for example, didn't require any special licenses or permits and it was able to operate independent of national and international monetary regulations. This frictionless operating model was exhilarating to early users and a curiosity to authorities such as governments and traditional financial institutions. At first, Bitcoin and a few other cryptocurrencies seemed like a novelty with some expectations that they wouldn't amount to much. After all, it was believed by many that a digital currency with no centralized management and no real basis for value was doomed to failure. Early on, governments and regulating agencies…