From the course: Cross-Functional Sales Teams
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Typical members of cross-functional sales team
From the course: Cross-Functional Sales Teams
Typical members of cross-functional sales team
- Ideally, a cross-functional team will be comprised of professionals from all the functional areas needed to design, develop, and implement the end product or service, as well as the functional areas that will manage, market, and sell the end product or service. Although these teams are meant to break through departmental silos, each team member still contributes his or her own professional or departmental skills to the team as part of the collaborative effort. As such, team members should be chosen both for their subject-matter expertise and professional skills, as well as their ability to communicate and work well with others in the unit. Setting up a cross-functional team can be a challenge for organizations. Without having work previously with the individuals involved, it can be difficult to balance the team's soft skills and hard skills and not end up with too many individuals who have similar skill sets, while at…