From the course: Cross-Functional Sales Teams
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Internal metrics
From the course: Cross-Functional Sales Teams
Internal metrics
- When it comes to executing a high-performance, cross-functional sales team strategy, we know that what gets measured is typically what will get done. Mapping the right set of internal metrics to the individual role as well as the team as a whole will serve as our roadside billboard to let us know that we're staying on the right path. Let's break down the common metrics used in cross-functional sales teams by member. We'll begin with the marketing role. Now this can be an individual marketer on the team or a small team from the marketing department. The key function of the marketing role within a cross-functional sales team is to help attract the right buyer and facilitate their journey through the beginning of the sales funnel. A few of the best ways to measure this role are: Number one, the total number of organic new prospects to enter the top of the sales funnel from the marketing efforts. Number two, the total number…