From the course: Creative Video Editing Techniques

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The rules of film editing

The rules of film editing

- Film editing is both a necessary craft and an awesome art. What I mean is you need editing to get the viewer from one shot to another. Edits are the glue that piece together the narrative. But, doing so in a way that not only supports the narrative but also elevates it, that's the fun part. And when it's done well, viewers can get so engrossed in the story, they're not even aware of the editing. Still though, the editing is most certainly there. In an average feature film, there are about 1,000 edits. This differs by genre, of course. A documentary film averages about 500 edits. An action film averages nearly 2,000 edits. There are so many ways you can edit shots together, so many different things to consider. And the way you do so can result in completely different meanings and emotions for the viewer. Walter Murch is an editor and sound designer who worked on films like "Apocalypse Now", "The Godfather" trilogy, and…
