From the course: Creative Video Editing Techniques
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Dissolves - Premiere Pro Tutorial
From the course: Creative Video Editing Techniques
- A dissolve is a gradual transition from one image to another. In early cinema, it was done in camera or with an optical printer. In today's digital workflows, it's a much easier process accomplished by applying a simple transition effect in software. Dissolves are used for all sorts of reasons like visually connecting shots or scenes, softening image transitions in a montage or indicating the passage of time. Throughout the history of film, they've been far and away the most popular type of transition effect. However, they're currently much less common than they were in early cinema. One of the most popular uses of dissolves is within a montage sequence, to connect shots, condense time and even to allude to deeper meanings between characters or plot points. In "The Color of Money," long dissolves are used not only to highlight the most key moments within this pool game but they're also used to show how Paul…