From the course: Creating Your Personal Brand

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Identifying your target audience

Identifying your target audience

From the course: Creating Your Personal Brand

Identifying your target audience

- Imagine you were a luxury car company, like Mercedes-Benz, would you spend money advertising in teen magazines or at high schools or in areas where people don't drive cars? Likely not. Probably because teens can't afford your car, even though they might aspire to and people who don't drive probably don't care about car companies. You're going to market your product to people who find the offer of the experience of your brand enticing and appealing and people who can afford you. Well, personal branding works the same way. You promote and position yourself to audiences specifically who will find you relevant and compelling. And that's where it gets a little tricky. You have to figure out your target audience. Who are the people or the communities or the companies, or even the industries that need to get you? You can start by thinking of the people you have the easiest time working with. Who do you kind of click with?…
