From the course: Creating Your Personal Brand
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Creating a perfect elevator pitch
From the course: Creating Your Personal Brand
Creating a perfect elevator pitch
- If you and I met and I looked at you and said, "Hmm, what do you do?" Would you be able to explain your value proposition, your offer, in a way that I would find interesting enough to want to keep talking to you? We call that an elevator pitch. You've got about 60 seconds in that first few moments to shine a light on your personal brand and grab somebody's attention. I remember a few years ago, I went to a networking event and everyone was going around the room introducing themselves in front of everyone else. About three ladies in, one woman said, "I'm a broker." And it kind of landed like a thud. And about six people farther, another woman said, "I help clients achieve their life goals by designing financial strategies that make their dreams come true." And then people continued. And I remember thinking, in neither case, did I want to go have a further conversation with those women. The first woman didn't seem…
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