From the course: Creating Your Personal Brand

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Building influence

Building influence

- So maybe you're looking for a new job or you want a promotion, or you're looking for some additional tools and resources in the job that you have. If you don't have a clear and strong value proposition, a personal brand, then it's really difficult to positively influence those people who are making those decisions about giving you that job or those resources. The people who have those opportunities are your target audience, and you need to be positioned correctly for them. I remember, a few years ago, I got done speaking at an event, and a young woman approached me and said, "Lida, I have a problem. "I'm known in my company as the office mom." She said, "The executives have passed me up "for two promotions now "because they think I'm the office mom," and we talked about what behavior she had been exhibiting to create that brand, and what we found out is she was the one who bought the birthday cake and circulated…
