From the course: Creating Success from Failures

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Learning to thrive

Learning to thrive

- So there's this great quote that inspires me when I'm facing adversity by the late and great Maya Angelou. She says, "My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive. And to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style." This quote inspires me because it helps me to progress towards my goals despite the circumstances. In a study published in the Harvard Business Review, researchers Praitzer and Porath found that people who learned how to thrive in challenging environments demonstrated 16% better overall in job performance, and 125% less burnout than their peers. Now to help you avoid burnout when dealing with adversity, I want to share with you three strategies you can use to help you not to merely survive, but to thrive through challenge. First, researchers have found that maintaining your vitality is necessary when overcoming difficulties. Vitality is important because it is the state…
