From the course: Creating Maps with R

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What else can you learn about creating maps in R?

What else can you learn about creating maps in R?

From the course: Creating Maps with R

What else can you learn about creating maps in R?

- [Charlie] Okay, thanks for joining me for this mapping with our course. My goal was to get you feeling confident with using both ggplot2 and leaflet for creating static and interactive maps. You also had to learn a little bit about GIS Theory and you should now feel well-equipped to wrangle addresses, shape files, and other location data by combining together the sf package with the Tidyverse. If you're interested in creating dashboards that contain interactive maps, I'd highly recommend checking out my course on Building Shiny Apps. If you're looking for more experience with a Tidyverse, then please do check out my dedicated course, Introducing the Tidyverse and the Concepts of Tidy Data. Thanks again, and please do feel free to follow me on Twitter, @charliejhadley, to learn more about all mapping and data visualization.
