From the course: Creating Maps with R

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Transform CRS with coord_sf()

Transform CRS with coord_sf()

From the course: Creating Maps with R

Transform CRS with coord_sf()

- [Instructor] Sometimes when you create a map duty plot two your immediate reaction will be some level of confusion. The frequency of his confusion is directly correlated with how often you're visualizing countries or other data sets that span the international dateline or 180 degree meridian line. To fix these issues and make meaningful Gigi product two maps you'll need to use a different coordinate preference system. To demonstrate this, let's look at the New Zealand R script in the 0406B project. I'll load our packages and our data sets by running lines one through 16 and line 18 through 24, we're going to build a geo bubble chart of the largest cities in New Zealand. And we can see, this is very confusing to read. We have some in New Zealand at far right hand side of our visualization and some of it on the far left. What we need is a CRS designed for this data set. And specifically we want this CRS designed by the…
