From the course: Creating Maps with R

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How to choose CRS and use them with {sf}

How to choose CRS and use them with {sf}

From the course: Creating Maps with R

How to choose CRS and use them with {sf}

- [Instructors] When choosing CRS, you need to ask yourself a question. Are you just wanting to make a map or do you need to compute something? If all you need to do is map your data, then 99% of the time all you need is EPSG code 4326. If you need to compute something, you'll need to choose a projected CRS that completely covers your data and preserves your features of interest. When searching for a projected CRS, the first place I'd recommend would be National Mapping Agencies. Most countries have a National Mapping Agency that publishes a country specific coordinate reference system that will work very well for data sets that are completely contained within a single country's borders. Wikipedia has a fairly extensive list of these agencies. The next place I would recommend searching would be the EPSG to IO website. This contains over 5,000 different CRS that cover all sorts of different regions, including oceanographic…
