From the course: Creating Maps with R
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Geo marker and scatter plots
From the course: Creating Maps with R
Geo marker and scatter plots
- [Narrator] This is a geo scatter plot. It's almost identical scored to a geo marker plot. Let's discuss the differences. Geo scatter plot show our locations or events appear on a map. So these maps could be used to show their locations of cities or the epicenters of earthquakes. In order to create a geo scatter plot, you need to obtain precise coordinates for all points to be shown on a map. Wikipedia is a surprisingly reliable source of coordinates for a wide variety of locations and events. You can look for the coordinates on a page in the top right hand corner. Otherwise, you might be able to use the geocoding service to convert your addresses into geographic coordinates. LocationIQ is usually my go-to choice for doing this. Unfortunately, it's not always possible to find exact coordinates for all locations you are interested in. In these cases, you cannot plot these data using a geo scatter plot. The next…