From the course: Creating Maps with R
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Challenge: Visualize state coastline length with choropleth
From the course: Creating Maps with R
Challenge: Visualize state coastline length with choropleth
(upbeat music) - [Narrator] For this challenge, I would like you to use ggplot2 to create a continuous variable choropleth, showing a number of kilometers of coastline for each state in a continuous United States of America. I'd like you to use the vividest color palette for the fill scale. And I would like you to also improve the readability of the legend by adding commas between the thousand mark. Finally, I would like you to add a legend item for the NA regions using a synthetic aesthetic.
Use geom_sf to visualize geo locations5m 53s
ggplot2 choropleth and continuous data6m 46s
ggplot2 choropleth and discrete data6m 14s
Label maps with ggrepel package5m 14s
Zoom into regions with coords_sf()3m 37s
Transform CRS with coord_sf()2m 25s
Challenge: Label a geobubble chart of Germany's biggest cities32s
Solution: Label a geobubble chart of Germany's biggest cities4m 45s
Challenge: Visualize state coastline length with choropleth33s
Solution: Visualize state coastline length with choropleth4m 11s