From the course: Creating Maps with R
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Challenge: Add pop-up labels to a map of German cities
From the course: Creating Maps with R
Challenge: Add pop-up labels to a map of German cities
- [Instructor] For this challenge, I would like you to use leaflet to create a geo scatter plot showing the five largest cities in Germany. I'd like you to fill the capital city as gold and all other cities as purple. I'd also like you to add a pop-up to each of the circle markers, such that it shows both the city and the population. Please ensure that the population number is formatted as shown in this slide. And finally, I'd like you to add a white background to the map using the leaflet.extras package.
The basics of using Leaflet2m 57s
Use Leaflet to visualize geo locations5m 41s
Add labels and pop-ups to Leaflet maps5m 6s
Leaflet choropleth and continuous data6m 17s
Leaflet choropleth and discontinuous data6m 3s
Set a background color with leaflet.extras1m 25s
Challenge: Add pop-up labels to a map of German cities35s
Solution: Add pop-up labels to a map of German cities6m 4s
Challenge: Interactive choropleth of state coastline length39s
Solution: Interactive choropleth of state coastline length6m 20s