From the course: Creating Interactive Tableau Dashboards
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Build a KPI dashboard - Tableau Tutorial
From the course: Creating Interactive Tableau Dashboards
Build a KPI dashboard
- [Instructor] Let's build a KPI dashboard out of our data set. Now the features of a KPI dashboard are they're all about for getting someone's attention. We want to be highlighting things of interest. Now a KPI dashboard is designed for quick, fast answers so we don't want to have any filtering or any interaction. A KPI dashboard clearly shows when something is either good or bad and generally it's going to compare existing values to targets or previous values. So in our example we're looking at regional sales. We want to compare this month to the previous month and show sales over time. The reason is we need to know if the most recent month is better compared to last years, and are sales improving over time? Remember the point of a KPI dashboard is to draw attention to issues. So in our dashboard, we already have four sheets for the timeline and four sheets for each of our individual regions. So we have a timeline showing the week and the sales for the central region and the east…
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