From the course: Creating Equity for LGBTQ+

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LGBTQ+ equity challenges

LGBTQ+ equity challenges

- [Instructor] The specific adversities our LGBTQ plus colleagues at work are often faced with revolve around discrimination, prejudice, and marginalization based on sexual orientation, gender identity, or expression. So the first step to take towards addressing this is for us to commit to an anti-discrimination policy that explicitly includes gender identity and sexual orientation. The human rights campaign reports that 90% of Fortune 500 businesses have gender identity protections mentioned in their non-discrimination policies. Now, for the sake of crystal clarity, let's think for a moment about what discrimination of this kind might look like. Let's say a qualified candidate applies for a job and during the interview process, they disclose their same sex partner when asked about their personal lives. Despite being highly qualified, they notice a shift in the interviewer's demeanor after this disclosure, eventually they aren't offered the position and later discover that a less…
