From the course: Creating Equity for LGBTQ+
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LGBTQ+ allyship
From the course: Creating Equity for LGBTQ+
LGBTQ+ allyship
- I cannot emphasize the importance of LGBTQ+ allyship in the workplace enough. For all of the adversity LGBTQ+ people have endured and still endure in and outside of their professional lives. LGBTQ+ allies are there to help bridge the gap between uncertainty and understanding. Being an ally is about supporting and standing up for groups that may not share your experiences, especially those who face discrimination or lack representation. It's all about getting involved, always being open to learning, and having the courage to challenge the status quo to advance equity for others in need. The Harvard Business Review conducted a survey on allyship for over 100 LGBTQ+ professionals who rated being accepting, taking action, and having humility as the three most crucial components for an effective ally to have. Acceptance, not just bare tolerance is rudimentary when it comes to being an LGBTQ+ ally. As an LGBTQ+ professional, when someone says they "tolerate my queerness", it always leaves…