From the course: Creating Equity for LGBTQ+

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Equity in recruitment and hiring processes

Equity in recruitment and hiring processes

From the course: Creating Equity for LGBTQ+

Equity in recruitment and hiring processes

- It's in the best interest for all businesses to be equitable when sourcing for skilled personnel. This is the only way to ensure that the top tier talent doesn't go unnoticed so that workplace productivity can be at its best, but the hiring process can be daunting for LGBTQ+ professionals, and this is due to concerns that they may be subject to discriminatory bias when applying and interviewing for jobs. reported that 43% of LGBTQ+ workers are fearful of experiencing discrimination at work. Along with that conducted a survey that revealed over 80% of non-binary people believed that identifying as non-binary would hurt their job search. So they put those fears to the test. They sent two phantom resumes to 180 job postings. The resumes were identical except one included they/them pronouns and the other did not. Though most companies were equal opportunity employers, the resume with pronouns received far less interest and fewer interview invitations than…
