From the course: Creating Equity for LGBTQ+
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Diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives
From the course: Creating Equity for LGBTQ+
Diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives
- In our everyday work conversations, we hardly ever talk about stuff like sexual orientation or gender identity. That sort of subject matter usually isn't relevant to our water cooler talk. Whether it's for fear of saying something inappropriate, offending someone, or the chance someone could be harboring adverse feelings towards LGBTQ+ identities, it's like this unspoken rule that just hangs in the air not to bring it up. And because of that silence, everyone's left to fill in the gaps on their own. It's like this guessing game where people have to draw their own conclusions because these things are far too personal to delve into casually and conversationally. Depending on the culture of your work environment and what workplace behaviors your establishment might consider most professionally appropriate, that may be true. But here's the thing. This lack of discussion can make LGBTQ+ folks feel like they're walking on eggshells. Like they're not sure if it's safe to be themselves or…