From the course: Creating Equity for LGBTQ+
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Building LGBTQ+ support networks
From the course: Creating Equity for LGBTQ+
Building LGBTQ+ support networks
- A great way to foster LGBTQ+ equity at work is to start an LGBTQ+ employee resource group. ERGs are absolute game-changers within our workplaces. These are employee led groups that offer support, resources, and a sense of belonging for LGBTQ+ team members. Employee volunteering expert Goodera describes LGBTQ+ as safe spaces and an aid in the development of more inclusive and welcoming workplace cultures. This can also lend a hand in helping to educate non-LGBTQ+ employees about the challenges faced by their LGBTQ+ colleagues. That's right. LGBTQ+ employee resource groups aren't just for LGBTQ+ people. In fact, the more diversity an ERG has within its ranks, the more we are sure to see an increase in understanding, empathy, and acceptance throughout its greater workplace. Think of an ERG as a sub-communal hub that works to affect positive change regarding a company's culture by establishing a sense of solidarity amongst its people, providing educational resources, and perhaps even…