From the course: Creating Concrete Buildings with Revit Structure

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Creating retaining walls

Creating retaining walls

- Let's talk about retaining walls. Not only does Revit know the difference between architectural and structural walls, it knows the difference between a typical structural foundation wall and a structural retaining wall. In this video, we will leave the model we've been working on and use a new model with a site pre set up. So to get started, let's jump into Revit. Under models, let's go open. Browse where you're keeping your exercise files and select 03_08 retaining and click open. If you hold on your shift key and your wheel button on your mouse, you can kind of pan around. You can clearly see where we're going to be putting this retaining wall. Let's go to our south elevation first though, under elevations, billing elevation, let's go to south. Let's see what we've got. Okay, we've got a big chunk of earth. We've got a top of footing, a level one and it looks like this level two is where we're going to want our top…
