From the course: Creating Concrete Buildings with Revit Structure
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Configuring how to display rebar
From the course: Creating Concrete Buildings with Revit Structure
Configuring how to display rebar
- [Instructor] Revit doesn't display rebar correctly; at least I don't think so. The good thing is Revit can display rebar correctly, if we want. The trick is, we can get the reinforcing to show up properly if we change the object styles globally, or we can override the object styles per view. Let's take a look. To get started, let's jump into Revit. Under models, let's go open. Browse where you're keeping your exercise files. I'm going to go to chapter 6, 06_10_Display. Click open. Notice we have our typical column. If you can't see this, in the project browser under structural plans, let's go to typical column reinforcing. That looks really thin, right? I don't really like it. Now under sections, let's go to typical wall section. It's completely different based on the detail level. So let's go back to typical column reinforcing. You can just click this tab here. Now, we can change this setting globally.…
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Reviewing rebar cover settings3m 18s
Adding a keyway between a wall and a footing2m 50s
Placing rebar parallel to the face2m 22s
Placing rebar perpendicular to the cover3m 3s
Adding rebar by sketching5m
Placing area reinforcing4m 26s
Placing fabric reinforcing5m 34s
Adding path reinforcing3m 52s
Building rebar cages4m 50s
Configuring how to display rebar3m 41s
Adding rebar tags4m 33s