From the course: Creating Concrete Buildings with Revit Structure

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Adding singular columns

Adding singular columns

- [Instructor] Now that we have our grids and our levels set up, adding columns is actually pretty easy. The hard part's done. So let's get started by jumping into Revit. Under models, I'm going to go to open. I'm going to browse where keeping my exercise files. And in chapter two, I have 02_01 columns. Or of course, if you're following along, just stay in the model you have open. In the project browser under structural plans let's make sure we're in level one. On the structure tab within the structure panel, click the column button. Notice that we have a few columns in the default template we use, we have concrete rectangular columns, and then we have wide flange columns. Say for example, we don't like any of these. We can always load a column into our project. I'm going to click off into this green area. I'm going to click on load family, scroll down until you find structural columns. Notice that we also have a…
