From the course: Creating Concrete Buildings with Revit Structure

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Adding rebar by sketching

Adding rebar by sketching

- [Instructor] There are going to be times when the default rebar shapes simply don't cover it. And we need to just sketch it in. This can be done. Say we have some dowels or we're trying to tie a concrete pan joist into a slab. Revit allows us to do that. The objective of this video is to add dowels to our foundation and framing by using the by sketch option. So in Revit, under Models, let's go to Open. Now I'll open up my 06_05_Sketch drawing in my Exercise Files folder under chapter six. In the project browser under Sections, let's make sure we're in typical wall section. You should be by default. Now select your wall right here. Click on Rebar. Now, on Placement Methods, click on Sketch. Unfortunately, you have to select the item again, so let's select our wall again just by picking on it here. And we're ready to go. So I'm going to pick a spot like right about here. And I'll come all the way down, just above…
