From the course: Creating Accessible PDFs

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Touch-ups after conversion from Word

Touch-ups after conversion from Word

From the course: Creating Accessible PDFs

Touch-ups after conversion from Word

- [Presenter] So we've done everything we can in word to facilitate the creation of an accessible PDF document. Although the Acrobat checker is going to tell us we're good to go. More robust checkers, such as the PAC 2021 checker, aren't going to let us get off so easy. So, let's walk through the cleanup necessary to get our PDF fully accessible. I'm going to go ahead and do a save as on this, and I'm going to save it as a PDF and I'll go ahead and put this in my finished folder. And when that's finished, I'm going to go ahead and open that PDF in Acrobat. So, if I've run my Acrobat accessibility check, which to be honest, I do like to do, because it'll let me know if I have any obvious errors in this document, which in this case I don't. So, you'd see, initial export, write out a word Acrobat checker is telling me I'm fine. So, let's go into a little bit more detail though. And I'm going to bring up my pack 2021 checker.…
