From the course: Creating Accessible PDFs
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Things to watch out for in Word
From the course: Creating Accessible PDFs
Things to watch out for in Word
- [Presenter] Microsoft word does a pretty good job when saving to the PDF format and making the file accessible. However, it's not perfect. And I want to point out a few issues you can encounter when creating accessible PDF files from Word. Now, I'm actually starting this video with Acrobat open and I've already opened the 0412 document because this document contains an issue that I wanted to show you. Now, if you come over here to the Accessibility tool and you run your Acrobat Checker, what you're going to see is that we're getting a table issue and we open this up and we're like, huh, I wonder what the problem is. And if I click on the error to see where it is, you're going to see that the issue that we're encountering here let me change my display here so we can see both of these is that the table broke across two pages. Now, where word has a limitation is that when this happens, what Word does is it breaks the table…
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Accessible PDF on Windows vs. Mac6m 11s
Layout considerations and setup2m 37s
Add metadata4m 21s
Styles and outline levels5m 23s
Adding bookmarks3m 21s
Tagging tables4m 2s
Add hyperlinks5m 41s
Create a table of contents3m 58s
Add alternative text2m 40s
Artifacting objects4m 12s
Footnotes and endnotes4m 37s
Things to watch out for in Word6m 23s
Touch-ups after conversion from Word6m 30s
Funky fix-up6m 20s