From the course: Creating Accessible PDFs
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InDesign footnotes and endnotes
From the course: Creating Accessible PDFs
InDesign footnotes and endnotes
- [Instructor] Footnotes and endnotes allow you to provide a description for references as they are added throughout a document. Where footnotes are added to the bottom of the page from which the reference appears, endnotes appear in the back of the document and a link is added to the reference to navigate to that endnote. Let's take a look at how to add these in Adobe InDesign. Now I'm going to go ahead and navigate to the last page of the document, and you'll notice that there's a sentence here that says under normal working conditions and that needs a footnote. Now the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to define how I want my footnotes to be created. Okay, so I'm going to go ahead and come up here to the type menu and I'm going to go to document footnote options. And this allows me to control properties such as how the footnote is created as well as what the layout is. Basically, you know, the default…
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Best way to generate the PDF file4m 58s
InDesign layout considerations3m 29s
Add required metadata in InDesign3m 53s
InDesign styles and tag structure5m 39s
Controlling tag order with InDesign6m 49s
Control InDesign reading order6m 57s
Create InDesign captions6m 38s
Anchoring objects in text frames6m 11s
Work with tables in InDesign6m 21s
Interactive hyperlinks in InDesign5m 45s
Create a list with InDesign5m 9s
Add cross-references in InDesign5m 55s
Creating an InDesign table of contents6m 21s
Alternative text for images and graphics in InDesign5m 54s
Artifacting InDesign objects4m 5s
PDF bookmarks in InDesign3m 3s
InDesign footnotes and endnotes7m 4s
Including an index with InDesign4m 51s
Finishing touches and validating4m 29s