From the course: Creating Accessible PDFs

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Finishing touches

Finishing touches

- [Instructor] What you've been seeing is the normal PDF remediation process for a typical file. We have a few remaining issues left to address, and I'd like to show you how to fix those issues in this video. I'm going to run the 03_17 file through the checker to see what issues remain. If I click on Results in Detail, you're going to see that in these two categories, we have two figures that are missing their bounding box. And you'll notice that all of the figures have the possible inappropriate use of a figure structure element. So let me show you how to fix those issues. Now, the bounding box issue, that is an issue that just sometimes occurs during the tagging process. And the issue is with this one and then the one that follows it. Now, what I'm going to do to fix this is I'm going to open up this figure. The caption is okay, so I'm just going to kind of move that up and out of that figure tag. And what I'm…
