From the course: Creating Accessible PDFs

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Dealing with content that spans more than one page

Dealing with content that spans more than one page

From the course: Creating Accessible PDFs

Dealing with content that spans more than one page

- [Instructor] It's pretty normal to have textual content that flows from one page to another in a document. However, when tagging content using Adobe Acrobat, it's not possible to select content on more than one page at a time. Let's take a look at how to address this situation in this document. I'm just going to navigate through my pages until I find the first instance where a paragraph goes across the page. So in my case, that's page five. And you can see that the paragraph here kind of abruptly ends and then continues on page six. So let's take a look at what's going on there. I'm going to open my Tags pane and to find where the tag is for this content, what I can do is grab my selection tool and I'm just going to drag across some of that text. And if I come up here to the top of the Tags pane and click on this option button, I can choose Find Tag from Selection. And what that'll do is it'll highlight the content…
