From the course: Creating Accessible PDFs

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Create a table of contents

Create a table of contents

- [Instructor] A table of contents is a great tool for helping users to find specific locations in a document. It's even more helpful if the entries in the table of contents contain hyperlinks to those locations. The table of contents feature in Word does both of those things. Let's take a closer look at how the table of contents feature works in Word. And I'm going to scroll down to the third page where my table of contents begins. Now, this particular table of contents has already been created. If you click anywhere in this table of contents, you'll know that a table of contents was used because you could see right here is a badge to update that table of contents. Now what you can also do, if you click up here, it'll highlight the whole table of contents, and for demonstration purposes I'm just going to go ahead and delete this entire table of contents. And you and I are going to recreate that table of contents…
